Destruction of sensitive products and confidential documents

We ensure the destruction of sensitive products and confidential documents, from collection to recovery when they contain recyclable materials. The aim? Protect against the health risks of certain products, but also the security risks associated with the confidentiality of documents.
Garston Ellesmere Port au Royaume-Uni

Recalled goods, medicines, bank statements, customs seizures, business contracts, chemical weapons, etc.: Some products and documents need special attention because they are particularly sensitive or confidential.
As it is important that they do not go back into the supply chain, cause harm or fall into the hands of ill-intentioned individuals, they have to be securely collected, destroyed and recovered.

There are regulations, such as Europe’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), which specifically requires companies, and local and administrative authorities to secure confidential data, or France’s Article R1335-2 of the Public Health Code which requires anyone who produces waste from healthcare activities to manage its disposal.


We ensure secure handling and destruction

Drawing on its waste management expertise, Veolia guarantees high-quality service and reliable support for the secure destruction of sensitive products and confidential material.

  • Provision of specific bins and collection rounds
  • Destruction of waste: shredding, incineration or landfill
  • Recycling recoverable materials (paper, steel, glass, cardboard, plastic, etc.)
  • Product and destruction traceability


  • You benefit from definitive, secure and compliant destruction
  • You benefit from confidential and secure management

What are the benefits for you as a service sector industry or stakeholder?

Incinérateur de Garston à Ellesmere Port

We did it!



Implement a patented secure processing system for sensitive documents

In the Île-de-France region, we developed Motus, a patented destruction system for the secure processing of sensitive documents (paper documents, files, cardboard or plastic covers and dividers): installation of secure, locked consoles, computerized identification of their location by bar code, collection by authorized Veolia personnel, transportation in a secure truck, destruction of the documents on the Veolia site (with the possibility of attending), and delivery of a destruction certificate.

Dry Creek


Developing an incineration treatment plant in Dry Creek

In Dry Creek, we own and operate South Australia's only hazardous waste incineration plant. The plant ensures efficient combustion and the complete destruction of medical and other sensitive waste (animal waste, confidential documents, out-of-date stock, etc.) with exposure to temperatures in excess of 1100 °C. In addition, solar panels have been installed on the roofs of the plant to power part of the facility. A project to recover the heat generated by the thermal treatment to produce electricity for the neighboring buildings is currently under examination.