Veolia accelerates ecological transformation with its strategic program “GreenUp”
With its 24-27 strategic program GreenUp, Veolia helps its clients to integrate solutions in three complementary businesses delivering essential services worldwide : water, waste, and energy. The Group aims to accelerate the deployment of affordable and replicable solutions, while becoming the missing link in ecological transformation.

Discover GreenUp, Veolia’s 24-27 strategic plan
Veolia has set its goal to decarbonize, depollute and regenerate resources by 2030 through three growth boosters, supported by 2 billion euros of investments. Veolia’s growth boosters: (1) bioenergy, flexibility and energy efficiency; (2) water technologies & new solutions; and (3) hazardous treatment waste – are supported by three strategic pillars :

Decarbonizing our assets and those of our clients while finding value in biogenic carbon
18 Mtons CO2e erased in 2027 (scope 4) & emission trajectory reduction compatible with 1,5°C
(scope 1&2)

Becoming a major player
in the recycling of strategic metals, in advanced plastic recycling and in the recovery of organic matter
10 Mtons of hazardous waste & pollutants treated in 2027

Remaining the world leader in the integrated management of water resources and the treatment of new pollutants
1.5bn m3 fresh water saved in 2027
“With GreenUp, Veolia will be established as the missing link in ecological transformation, the only complete answer to the challenges, the only all-in-one solution for all private and public stakeholders across the globe, particularly in the U.S. This battle is now raging, and that is why it’s time to GreenUp!”

Veolia’ ambitions in the U.S.
Thanks to GreenUp, Veolia is uniquely positioned while offering a value proposition embracing municipal and industrial clients’ major stakes. The Group’s strong local foundations ensure resilience and growth to its clients in the country, helping to set high ambitions:
To support U.S.’ industrial and economic growth while preserving health and taking into account planetary boundaries.
Veolia, solidly anchored in the U.S.
With the implementation of Veolia’s strategic program in the U.S, the Group intends to become the benchmark company across the country in hazardous waste treatment and water technologies & new solutions, including regulated water.
The aim: paving the way for a more sustainable and desirable future.
revenue in 2023
The country’s
private water operatoremployees
industrial sites and 4 R&I centers
Veolia enters the U.S market
water treatment plant operated in the U.S
In the United States, since 1869, Veolia has developed the most advanced solutions to decarbonate, depollute and regenerate resources. These solutions, at the cutting edge of the fight against climate change, have been designed by Veolia to improve the health and quality of life of all communities.
As the majority of Americans believe that climate change and resulting pollution can deteriorate quality of life, people are expecting tangible action1: that is why Veolia brings solutions that can and will shape a more sustainable, affordable, and healthy future for the planet and for all its citizens.
1Barometer of ecological transformation - March 2024.
Veolia, a national leader in the U.S.
Veolia is uniquely positioned in the United States to support the country’s market’s main challenges in ensuring reindustrialization and health improvement for all, and to unlock economic growth:

#1 Water O&M and #3 Regulated Water
Veolia is the country’s largest private water operator, and serves 27 million people each year. It manages more than 416 water and wastewater facilities across the U.S.

#1 in the U.S.
Veolia is the U.S’ first in water technologies, and implements 10,000 combined technologies across more than 24 sites (including manufacturing, laboratories, R&D, service centers and offices).

#3 in the U.S.
The Group is the country’s third largest operator in hazardous waste treatment. Each year, the Group treats 850 KT across +40 industrial facilities managed by the Group.

With unique expertise in the local decarbonizing of energy, production distribution and consumption, Veolia contracted more than 60,000 meters for utility management by Hubgrade across 70 industrial facilities.
Veolia’s illustrated strategy in hazardous waste and water management

Veolia has been present for many years in hazardous waste treatment in the U.S. In Port Arthur, one of Veolia’s top thermal facilities in the U.S., the Group is able to process all hazardous waste streams.
Through the use of AI, digital solutions and human expertise, the Port Arthur site treats around 70K tons each year and employs 250 people integrating the highest standards.
This site also allows Veolia to apply a “combined approach” with municipal water and water technologies in order to treat new pollutants.

As the country’s largest private water operator, Veolia provides water to more than 27 million people each day.
In West Basin, Veolia treats water through varying levels of purification to properly meet each customer’s needs, producing 5 different qualities of fit-for-purpose recycled water.
The only treatment facility in the U.S able to treat 5 different qualities, West Basin has received numerous awards for its innovative operations since 2020.
FOCUS ON HEALTH: Emerging PFAS Regulations in the U.S.

The discovery of new emerging pollutants by the evolution of scientific knowledge and the standards have been part of environmental history for decades; this was the case for nitrates, pesticides, and other contaminants. Progress in surveillance enhances the ability to find solutions and allows us to go further in health protection.
Thanks to its global expertise and its culture of research and development, Veolia positions itself as a leader in contributing to decontaminating and preserving the environment.
Through its water treatment & new technologies and hazardous waste businesses, Veolia can make available to its clients unique integrated solutions to help them reduce and treat their PFAS.
To know more about Veolia in the United States: