The Group develops hypervision systems for its customers, enabling them to monitor and control their water services and energy facilities in real time. For example, ServO is the centralized steering body for the entire water service of the Syndicat des Eaux in Ile-de-France, which manages 1.2 billion data.
Intervention by Frédéric Van Heems, CEO of Water Activity in France
See it all, from source to tap
Hubgrade is a digital platform invented by Veolia, which collects energy data from buildings in real-time in order to analyse it and act more efficiently on energy performance.
Intervention by Carine Kraus, CEO of the Energy Activity in France
Hubgrade : the solution for energy - efficient buildings
In the area of waste management, digital technology is used to connect actors and develop innovative solutions. As part of its partnership with Eqosphère, Veolia offers large scale retailers local solutions designed to reduce food waste via an online platform.
Intervention by Bernard Harambillet, CEO of the Waste Activity in France
Yoyo: sorting more, sorting smarter

En France, Veolia compte près de 52 000 collaborateurs. Le Groupe gère 4 500 usines de production d’eau potable et de traitement des eaux usées, 250 sites de traitement et valorisation des déchets, et développe des solutions d’efficacité énergétique pour de nombreux clients privés et publics.