Verso is the first YouTube channel to popularize environmental science, it aims to tell the story of ecological transformation solutions and bring them to the attention of as many people as possible. Aboard a 100% electric truck, three influencers who are experts in popularizing science, criss-cross the roads of France and Europe to meet experts, customers and partners of Veolia who are acting on the field every day to make tomorrow's world more sustainable and desirable.
With over a million views accumulated in just a few weeks of testing, Verso bears witness to the keen interest of the general public, and the younger generation in particular, in environmental issues. The aim is to make viewers more aware of environmental issues, so that they in turn can inform themselves and contribute to the ecological transformation.
According to Laurent Obadia, Executive Vice President Stakeholders and Communications, Advisor to the Chairman, "With the launch of Verso, Veolia is taking up the challenge of raising public awareness on environmental issues and, above all, showing that solutions do exist. Thanks to Verso and its three ambassadors, the public is taken on a captivating and necessary journey to understand ecological transformation and how everyone, at their own level, can contribute to efforts to reduce the impact of climate change."
Our formats
- "Scientifacts": short contents that answer a question or key figure in less than a minute. Example: What is biogas?
- Five-minutes decrypts (“Attends, je t'explique") on the themes of water, energy, waste recycling and recovery, and air quality. Example: new water pollutants;
- Documentaries ("En Route"), lasting around twenty minutes, in which web users discover Veolia sites and experts on the front line of ecological transformation. Example: the life cycle of a plastic bottle, from the garbage can to the market.
Our ambassadors
- Antoine vs. Science
Antoine Salaün is an engineer and a Youtuber. Passionate about science from an early age, he posts videos on his YouTube channel that tackle unusual themes in all areas of science: physics, biology, mathematics and geography.
- Galactic Chloé
Chloé Carrière is a lecturer and science popularizer who fights for the sustainable use of space on her YouTube channel.
- Virginie t'explique
Virginie Hilssone-Lévy is a science journalist specializing in meteorology and climatology.
About Veolia:
Veolia Group aims to become the benchmark company for ecological transformation. Present on five continents with nearly 213,000 employees, the Group designs and deploys useful, practical solutions for the management of water, waste and energy that are contributing to a radical turnaround of the current situation. Through its three complementary activities, Veolia helps to develop access to resources, to preserve available resources and to renew them. In 2022, the Veolia group provided 111 million inhabitants with drinking water and 97 million with sanitation, produced nearly 44 million megawatt hours and recovered 61 million tonnes of waste. Veolia Environnement (Paris Euronext: VIE) achieved consolidated revenue of 42.885 billion euros in 2022.
Press contacts:
Laurent Obadia - Evgeniya Mazalova
Anna Beaubatie - Aurélien Sarrosquy
Tél : + 33 1 85 57 86 25
p[email protected]