DJSI and CDP: Veolia recognised worldwide for its environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance and extra-financial reporting

In the fight against climate change, it is up to companies to lead the way with concrete and measurable results. Veolia, as a global benchmark for ecological transformation, is recognised among the best for its extra-financial performance: the Group is selected in the DJSI (Dow Jones Sustainability Index) World and Europe indices and received a double A for its response to the Climate change CDP and Water security CDP.

Veolia awarded for its ESG commitments and results

The highly selective DJSI indices distinguish the best companies in each sector on the basis of their ESG score, which is the result of an in-depth evaluation of 28 environmental, social and governance issues by S&P Global. In the Multi and Water Utilities sector, Veolia is one of four companies selected for the World Index and two for the Europe Index: a recognition of the Group's leadership in sustainable development and ESG performance. Veolia's score of 82/100 confirms Veolia's excellent 2022 ESG rating results.

Recognised quality of ESG reporting

The CDP is an international organisation that assesses transparency, consideration and management of environmental risks and best practice in environmental management. In 2022, Veolia obtained a double A (maximum score) on the themes of climate change and water security. This result is all the more significant as the CDP has this year strengthened its rating criteria on the implementation of climate transition plans (aligned with the +1.5°C objective) and on the verification of water data.

Only 2.2% of the 15,000 companies assessed by the CDP worldwide receive an "A" score. These companies are distinguished by a deep understanding of their environmental impacts, strong governance and transition strategies, and leading actions to reduce their impacts.

"In the context of the COP15 biodiversity conference currently taking place in Montreal, and after the COP27 climate conference, Veolia's positioning as a benchmark company in ecological transformation is legitimised by these excellent results. This is all the more the case as extra-financial rating organisations introduce new expectations in their questionnaires every year, and as new standards come to the fore (European CSRD directive, green taxonomy, TNFD)," states Pierre-Yves Pouliquen Veolia's Sustainable Development Director.

Veolia's multifaceted performance

We recall that in its Impact 2023 strategic plan, Veolia is committed to ensuring that its economic, financial, commercial, social, societal and environmental performance is of the same standard, with 19 indicators associated with measurable progress objectives and used to calculate the variable compensation of the Group's senior executives.


Other recognitions: Veolia is ranked 1st among Waste & Water utilities of Moody's ESG 2022 rating and in the top 3% of companies according to Ecovadis.

Veolia is committed to placing the same level of attention in regard to its financial and extra-financial performance dimensions.
Our ambition is huge, but so is our determination
Conducted with a sample covering more than half the world's population.