French glaciologist Heïdi Sevestre has won the Veolia Foundation's “Prix du Livre Environnement 2024” (Environmental Book Award) for her book “Sentinelle du climat”, published by Harper Collins. The award ceremony was held on September 14 at Le livre sur la Place in Nancy, in the presence of Bruno David, former president of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle and Chairman of the Prix du Livre Environnement jury.
For this 19th edition, the jury rewarded Heïdi Sevestre's powerful and engaging story that combines scientific exploration and ecological awareness.
Diving into the heart of melting ice
In “Sentinelle du climat”, Heïdi Sevestre recounts her expeditions to the world's glacial regions, from the Arctic to Greenland, Antarctica and the Himalayas. Driven by her passion for these ice giants, the scientist’s initial amazement turns to deep concern at their accelerating melting, a visible consequence of global warming.
“I've tried to humanize science by speaking to the heart rather than the head,” she explains. Glaciers contain the history of humanity. Their change confronts us with the ephemeral aspect of life and our own passage on Earth. By protecting them, we protect a part of our history and what drives us.”

A plea for environmental action
With this book, Heïdi Sevestre aims to alert the general public and decision-makers to the urgent need for action to halt climate disruption. “To save the glaciers is to save ourselves”, insists the glaciologist, who has been awarded the Shackleton Medal for the protection of the polar regions.
Heïdi Sevestre is a glaciologist, member of the International Explorers Club and recipient of the Shackleton Medal for the protection of the polar regions. She leads several expeditions to cold places every year.

The Prix du Livre Environnement jury also gave a special mention to “Pas bêtes les plantes!” by Philippe Nessmann and Jean Mallard (Sarbacane), which playfully documents the secret life of plants.
Contrary to popular belief, plants are capable of seeing, communicating, defending themselves, solving problems and even learning, despite their immobility and lack of mouth, eyes and brain.
Author Philippe Nessmann is passionate about science and writing, and has already published some fifty books for young readers (nonfiction, historical novels, graphic novels). Illustrator Jean Mallard, a graduate of Arts Déco, uses watercolors and gouache to create poetic universes inspired by a variety of influences. The book invites young readers to take a fresh look at the plant world around them, from city trees to cultivated fields.
“Children know that animal species are endangered, but they don't realize the importance of plants. Yet plants are far less stupid than we think. They see, they remember, they make decisions... If the book helps young readers change their view of the plant world, it will have achieved its goal...”. Philippe Nessmann

In addition to the prize money, the Veolia Foundation will donate 500 copies of the winning book and the children's book to schools and libraries in France. Talks with the winning authors will also be organized during the year.
You can listen to podcasts featuring Heïdi Sevestre, Philippe Nessmann and Jean Mallard on the REcyclerie website, and find all the books nominated in 2024 and the entire selection on
Awarded annually since 2006, the Prix du Livre Environnement aims to highlight the most outstanding works that help raise public awareness of major environmental issues. The Prix du Livre Environnement jury is chaired by Bruno David, a French naturalist specializing in paleontology, evolution and biodiversity. The 16-member jury includes representatives of Veolia and its Foundation, as well as qualified personalities who are members of the Veolia Foundation Board of Directors:
- Anne-Marie Couderc, Former Minister
- Gilles Degois, physician and Honorary Chairman of the Kinkeliba association
- Françoise Gaill, biologist and oceanographer, Scientific Advisor to the CNRS
Patricia Ricard, President of the Institut océanographique Paul Ricard;
As well as outside personalities including:
- Stéphanie Bellin, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Ça m'intéresse magazine,
- Dominique Bourg, philosopher and academic,
- Antoine Denoix, CEO of AXA Climate,
- Marie-Odile Monchicourt, science journalist, producer and radio host,
- Yannick Poirier, bookseller, Librairie Tschann, Paris,
- and Léa Zaslavsky, co-founder of the Makesense network.