The "Pitch des Assos": Veolia, L'Oréal and UM Paris reward Etats Sauvages, pioneer of French forest protection

The “Pitch des Assos”

For the second consecutive edition, Veolia is a partner of the "Pitch des Assos", an initiative led by BFM Business that highlights innovative projects and gives a voice to French associations. For this second edition, Veolia, L'Oréal and UM Paris were able to support two associations that work for the climate and the preservation of biodiversity. During the Vivatech fair, which was held in Paris from May 22 to 25, the two associations were able to present their project during a live eloquence contest, submitted to a public vote. At stake: 10,000 euros to be shared between the associations in the running, following the public vote.

In the show Les Pionniers hosted by Frédéric Mazzella and broadcast on BFM Business, Veolia is partnering with the recent concept of Pitch des Assos as part of a renewed partnership. The show, which highlights local and national associations, gives a voice to the pioneers of the new generation by receiving startuppers, these visionary entrepreneurs who are revolutionizing their sector of activity with innovative concepts.

A civic and responsible commitment at the heart of Veolia's values

By supporting initiatives that promote associations such as Etats Sauvages, Veolia affirms its societal and environmental commitment as a Group present in environmental-related businesses. This type of partnership is part of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sponsorship approach, and is based on shared values with these associations around respect for nature and sustainable development. According to the second barometer of the ecological transformation carried out by Elabe and Veolia, 9 out of 10 French people believe that it is necessary for all stakeholders - local authorities, companies, states, global bodies, associations and individuals - to work together to implement the ecological transformation.

It also offers Veolia the opportunity to raise awareness among its employees and customers about the crucial issues of forest preservation and biodiversity, while promoting innovative initiatives by pioneering associations in their field. This approach thus allows Veolia to promote its responsible commitment while promoting causes that are close to its heart.

Discover the results and download the research of the Barometer 2024

Two associations in the running

The objective of the Pitch des Assos: to give a voice to associations and propose to Internet users to vote for the association of their choice. At the end of a voting period between the associations Etats Sauvages and Latitudes, and following the "Mic drop", a live pitch organized during the Vivatech fair in Paris from May 22 to 25, the two associations left with a gain equal to the votes received by the public during the voting phase.

Assos Latitudes and Etats sauvages present for the pitch of the assos


By contributing to training and raising awareness among individuals, companies and schools about the social and environmental issues of digital technologies, Latitudes enables the construction of committed and responsible technology, respectful of human beings and the environment, through training, events and a community mobilized around these values.

Etats Sauvages

Etats Sauvages is an association that works to strengthen the positive links between humanity and nature, by promoting biodiversity, the preservation of natural environments and resources, as well as raising awareness about ecology, through actions such as conferences, publications, workshops, reforestation and public awareness campaigns.

Etats Sauvages: protected forests for the benefit of biodiversity

The Etats Sauvages association acts for the preservation of the biodiversity of French forests. Its action consists of acquiring forests which are then left to evolve freely, thus allowing the creation of true natural refuges for animal, plant and fungal species.

3 euros = 10 m2 of protected French forest.

In France, 90% of the forest area is used for wood production, while a small temperate forest can be home to up to 5,000 different species. That is why Etats Sauvages is committed to protecting these biodiversity-rich ecosystems.

The association also involves citizens in its actions by raising their awareness of the discovery of these natural environments, in order to make them "Forest Allies". To date, Etats Sauvages has already acquired nearly 145,000 m2 of forests in different regions of metropolitan France (Cantal, Vosges, Normandy, Île-de-France), thus contributing to the preservation of natural areas left to evolve freely.

What the donations will be used for: 

  • Create new forest reserves for living beings
  • Preserve active and resilient carbon sinks
  • Slow down the erosion of biodiversity in French forests by protecting the most vulnerable species
  • Raise public awareness about the proper functioning of the forest ecosystem
  • Make the public actors in the preservation of biodiversity so that they become guardians of good practices