Innovation and ecological footprint: Airports’ challenges
With several thousand people passing through or working in airports every day, they have to provide a wide variety of services to passengers, airlines and businesses. From catering to goods transportation, from car park management to passenger security, airports combine a wide range of expertise. Much more than just transit areas, they are real economic players on a national and international scale.
To remain competitive, airports must be proactive and innovative. This includes improving customer experience, increasing the share of non-aeronautical revenue and introducing new technologies.
Airports must also optimize their operational efficiency and adapt to increasingly stringent environmental standards. Sound waste management allows better control of budgets and places the airport on a path to sustainable development. Obtaining certifications, notably ISO 50001 for energy management, contributes to continuous performance improvement.
Find out how we measure the environmental footprint >
Our solution combining competitiveness and sustainability
We identify cost savings through energy audits to improve efficiency. Our local subsidiary Enova, in the United Arab Emirates, has helped Dubai International Airport achieve significant energy savings with a rapid return on investment.
We are increasing transparency, and optimizing invoice collection procedures using a sub-metering solution. At London Luton Airport in the UK, we remotely read nearly 400 water meters every half hour, resulting in a significant reduction in water leakage from 40% to 12%.
We offer green building solutions to reduce the impact on the environment. At St Pancras International Station in the UK, we have increased the waste recycling rate to 90%. No waste is now landfilled.
We ensure technical expertise and regulatory compliance for managing hazardous waste. At the United Airlines Service Center at San Francisco International Airport, in the United States, we process 80 metric tons of sludge per year. We also operate the metal disposal plant.