Veolia and learning
To mark the National Day, Antoine Frérot, Veolia Chairman and CEO, shared his vision of apprenticeship: "For me, apprenticeship is more than just a period of training. It is a sign of the cohesion between generations. It is an act of solidarity between the most experienced employees and the youngest. It is a time for transmitting the skills and values of our Group. It is a source of motivation for everyone”.
Every year in France, over 1,000 young people on work-study contracts - from certificates of professional competence to 5 years’ higher education - work at Veolia and train in the environmental professions.
In late 2017, Veolia had nearly 2,400 work study students worldwide - including 1,400 in France.
National Apprenticeship Day
In Lyon, Lille, Nantes and Paris, students, parents and teachers met apprentices and companies to discuss the opportunities offered by this type of training. Priority was given to testimonies from apprentices, with examples of successful careers. Demonstrations and interviews with recruiters were also organized.
Videos of Veolia apprentices
7 young people explain their curriculums, their jobs and their passions:
- Caroline – training in water activities
- Moustoifa – training as waste management and recycling service agent
- Elodie – training for a business manager professional degree
- Jean Baptiste – training as waste treatment centre technician
- Joris – training as water treatment technician
- Terryl – professional degree in environmental services manager
- Dorian – training as pipe layer
The aim of the global GAN International network is to prepare young people to enter the labour market through apprenticeships.
GAN France, set up in 2017, brings together big business and organizations engaged in promoting work-study such as Accenture, Carrefour, les Compagnons du Devoir, Compass Group France, EDF, FIPA (Fondation Innovation pour les Apprentissages), Groupe Avril, ISS France, Medef, Safran, Salesforce, The Adecco Group (which chairs GAN France), Veolia and Vinci. With one goal: to deploy concrete initiatives among teachers, young people, families and businesses, to promote the employability of young people through apprenticeship.
> Work-study with Veolia
> the Veolia campus network, the advantages of work-study
> Veolia partner in the apprenticeship network GAN France