SMEDAR -Greater Rouen joint waste disposal authority- has renewed its trust in Veolia to operate its VESTA waste-to-energy plant.
SMEDAR has once again chosen Veolia to operate its VESTA waste-to-energy plant. Optimized operation of the facility and the deployment of new supervisory systems will enable the site’s energy mix to be more effectively managed.
VESTA recovers 325,000 tonnes of waste collected in the Rouen region every year. The waste generates 180 GWh/year of electricity of which 125 – the equivalent of the city of Rouen’s consumption - are sold to the French electricity grid. The facility also produces 85 GWh/year of thermal energy that is delivered in the form of heat to the city’s Vésuve district heating network.
Prompted by environmental regulations, optimized operation of the facility will enable its energy performance to be improved and atmospheric discharge to be more effectively controlled. VESTA will also foster the use of renewable energies within its energy mix.
“The renewal of the contract provides us with the opportunity to optimise the facility’s overall performance. Our aim is to increase energy efficiency, both when producing electricity and supplying thermal power to the Vesuve district heating network”, said Patrice Dupray, president of SMEDAR.
Urban Board – the plant’s new digital dashboard
Veolia will roll out the digital Urban Board solution across the VESTA site, offering SMEDAR mobile and real-time access to operational parameters. In the long term, the app will include new services and parameters, including social parameters. By providing an overview, Urban Board links urban service performance with residents’ impressions across the full spectrum of environmental services.
“This new contract reflects SMEDAR’s trust in Veolia’s expertise in the area of operational performance and in our ability to integrate digital technology into our service solutions for local authorities, such as the Urban Board app”, said Bernard Harambillet, Chief Executive Officer of the Waste Recycling & Recovery Business in France.