Patrick Bobet, President of Bordeaux Métropole, and Antoine Frérot, CEO of Veolia, signed the public service delegation contract for the recovery and treatment of household and similar waste in the metropolitan area. This contract, awarded to Veolia for a period of 7 years and 10 months, will begin on 20 February 2020.
Veolia will treat the waste of the 770,000 inhabitants of Bordeaux Métropole. Investments are planned in the two recovery units in Bègles and Cenon, as well as in the sorting centre, which by 2022 will make it possible to extend the sorting instruction
These 3 recovery and recycling units will provide an integrated response to the challenges faced by Bordeaux Métropole:
• recover all the waste in the territory
• maximize environmental performance with the best available flue gas treatment technologies
• manage these 3 units with complete transparency in a hypervision room that gathers all the data.
The new sorting centre, which combines automation and digital services for operators, will sort all plastic packaging. The two energy recovery units will maximize the production of renewable energy - electricity and heating - to supply in particular the metropolitan heating networks. They will cover the energy needs of the equivalent of 34,000 inhabitants in heating and 100,000 inhabitants in electricity, thus meeting the goals of "Bordeaux Métropole 2050, a positive energy territory".
Architecturally integrated into their environment, the Bègles and Cenon sites will open their doors to the public in order to raise visitors' awareness to shared urban agriculture and eco-citizenship via spaces dedicated to learning about recycling and the reduction, reuse and recovery of waste.