For several years the MNHN and VEOLIA have been collaborating on two biodiversity research projects:
- the mathematical modelling and biodiversity chair (MMB), which aims to develop the synergy between applied mathematics and ecology with the focus on biodiversity. In addition to the MNHN and Veolia, this chair also involves the École Polytechnique and its foundation
- the “automated urban biodiversity monitoring” project, which is based on the MNHN bat behaviour databases.
Under this new partnership agreement, the MNHN and Veolia are expanding their collaboration in 4 areas:
- Research: in addition to its support for MNHN research through the MMB chair, Veolia will support research projects led by the MNHN, and in particular support young researchers’ theses and post-doc work
- Expertise: scientific advice and expertise missions will be conducted by the MNHN to better integrate and understand biodiversity on Veolia sites and help the Group to more effectively integrate biodiversity in its innovation programs
- Knowledge dissemination: Veolia will collaborate on the MNHN’s educational projects conducted on its sites
- Training: the MNHN will provide biodiversity training for Veolia employees.
An unprecedented partnership: VERBATIM, an automated biodiversity monitoring service
Veolia and the MNHN have jointly developed VERBATIM, an automated biodiversity monitoring service. An original project, it looks at bat behaviour data. As bats are at the top of the food chain and long living, they act as markers showing the health of ecosystems. Sensors collect bat population data in a given territory and provide information about the quality of the local biodiversity using indicators developed on the basis of MNHN expertise. The system has been deployed on Plaine du Var near Nice.
More :
> Veolia’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the Group’s commitment to preserve and restore biodiversity
> Press Day 2018: Tomorrow’s world is being invented today and How do we fight water, soil and air pollution?
> Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle