Veolia is offering Bordeaux Métropole new partnership governance by ensuring a global vision of the water cycle with regard to environmental issues: it will ensure continuity and quality of service, will pay more attention to asset management (renewal of infrastructure and equipment), and will allow users and associations to participate in service management.
The contract covers the management of 6 wastewater treatment plants with a total capacity of 1,156,400 population equivalents, with 4,200 km of wastewater and urban storm water networks for 275,000 users.
"Veolia's offering has a high level of technical sophistication that responds to the challenges of Bordeaux Métropole’s excellent quality of life." said Alain Juppé
"By reconciling a public mission with the efficiency that a private company brings, this partnership is a win-win for all: for the local authority, the inhabitants, the environment and the operator. This is a major contract for Veolia and meets high standards in terms of living environment, environmental protection - not only of the Garonne but all natural environments - and sustainable development, with greater control of the risks to make Bordeaux a more resilient city." concluded Antoine Frérot.
Bordeaux Métropole entrusts Veolia with its wastewater and storm water management (10 July 2018)
Veolia’s water management expertise