Five years on from COP21, the City of Paris and the daily newspaper La Tribune organized the Zero Carbon Forum. This special event, held digitally on December 10 and 11, brought together mayors from all over the world, experts, NGOs and companies to find concrete solutions to the global challenge of preserving our planet.

As a key player in ecological transformation, Veolia was present at the Forum, notably through two presentations: Claire Falzone, Veolia's Director of Innovation, gave a presentation at the round table "Building a Greentech Ecosystem". And Frédéric Van Heems, Chief Executive Officer of the Water business in France, presented the 2020 "digital prize" to the Mayor of Toulouse.
“Veolia has role as a greentech solutions broker”
Developing a greentech ecosystem is essential in accelerating ecological transformation. Claire Falzone spoke about Veolia's role in developing this ecosystem.

Our innovations originate in the field, or have to adapt to it, because environmental challenges are different in Asia, Africa and Europe. Our customers expect us to deliver visible results, a concrete improvement in their environmental performance, and the quality of life of their residents when it comes to cities. It is this role as an innovative solutions broker, wherever we operate, that we bring to the greentech ecosystem.
Veolia's 180,000 employees in 45 countries are accustomed to open innovation in startup ecosystems and in our incubators in India, Asia and elsewhere. They share and disseminate these technologies throughout the Group. Veolia also organizes hackathons to identify the best solutions.
Cities Award: Toulouse, the "digital award" winner
During the "Cities Awards", which recognizes winning and flagship projects in tomorrow’s cities. Frédéric Van Heems presented the digital award to Jean-Luc Moudenc, Mayor of Toulouse.

The digital solutions of the city of Toulouse:
Toulouse has developed a smartphone application that makes life easier for its residents (online procedures, cultural agenda, news, services, public transport, canteen menus, social networks, etc.). A Wi-Fi network is available free of charge in the city. ANITI (Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute) has joined the French interdisciplinary artificial intelligence network. The "Toulouse Métropole Data" data portal is open to everyone. And the interactive map UrbanHist offers the opportunity to discover Toulouse's heritage.