On World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28 April, the International Labor Organization took stock of 100 years of improvements in occupational health and safety. The ILO also called for efforts to continue and given the changes in the organization of work that are being driven by technology, demography, sustainable development and climate change to prepare for the future. Veolia has reaffirmed its commitment to guarantee its 171,000 employees a healthy and safe working environment.
Frédéric Goetz, Vice President Occupational Health and Safety said, "Veolia is fully committed to the ILO centenary, particularly through the commitment it made in 2013 when signing the Seoul Declaration at the Organization’s headquarters. Veolia has based its health and safety policy on the ILO's guiding principles. Over recent years this process has significantly reduced the frequency of workplace accidents. Through its social and societal values, guaranteeing the right to a safe and healthy working environment is in Veolia's DNA. Veolia's Occupational Health and Safety Week will highlight the ILO recommendations that contribute to the continuous improvement of health and safety within the Group."
Veolia's health and safety policy: a continuous improvement process
The Group's responsibility is to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of all its employees, with the aim of “Zero accidents”. Health and safety is based on 5 areas:
- Involving all management;
- Training and involving all employees
- Developing communication and dialogue
- Improving risk management
- Monitoring health and safety performance.
As part of its commitment to sustainable development, Veolia pursues the goal of achieving a workplace accident frequency rate of 6.5 or lower by 2020. (The frequency rate corresponding to the number of accidents, with lost time, per million hours worked):

The International Labor Organization centenary (ILO)