Devised in partnership with New York Times International, the campaign aims to inform and raise awareness about the plastics circular economy among a wider audience. Developed by the New York Times’ graphic studio and editorial teams in close collaboration with Veolia experts, the editorial content and illustrations are widely disseminated on the press group's web platforms, particularly in Europe and Asia. Some content will also be included in the NYT's "Climate solution special reports". Launched on 5 June, World Environment Day, this international campaign will run until 22 July.
“A new vision of plastic”: encouraging early results
Through this campaign, Veolia aims to raise the awareness of a targeted audience to the global plastic ecosystem, showing that this potential source of pollution can become a precious resource when we equip ourselves with the means to recycle it: "The pressure on our customers' brands to use recycled plastic is so strong that it has become a fundamental issue. The solution involves all stakeholders in the supply chain: those who collect the plastic, recyclers, packaging manufacturers and brands," explains Sven Saura, recycling director at Veolia.
The newspaper has designed a prolific and colourful graphic universe, illustrating the issues and initiatives associated with the topic. By showcasing Veolia's solutions, the NYT has above all given readers reasons for getting involved and changing our relationship with plastics.
The campaign has been running since 5 June and will last 6 weeks on the newspaper’s various online platforms and social networks:
• Climate Solutions Special Report
• The weekly newsletter "Climate Forward":
• A new Vision for Plastic: Can the circular economy transform our relationship with plastic?
• Other formats (Flex Post, Flex Frame), in particular on social networks, are planned until 22 July.

The New York Times' environmental and social ratings, according to an Ipsos survey (readers polled worldwide):
13.7 million are opinion leaders,
12.2 million are interested in the environment,
14.2 million say that a company's commitment to social responsibility is important when purchasing its products or services,
17.9 million say that minimizing their impact on the environment is important in their lives,
60% are global influencers involved in environmental protection,
3.5 million committed to the environment over the last 12 months.
Find out more about our plastics recycling solutions:

Sven SAURA, recycling director, Veolia
Mail : [email protected]
Tél. +33 (0)1 85 57 77 98