Resourcers' portraits

Veolia employees want the world to be the way it could be. Discover this panorama of portraits and how they contribute to Resourcing the world with optimism, by not giving up and working together.
Portrait de collaborateurs Veolia
Video portrait of Keisa Davis - USA
Video portrait of Mathieu BALIAN - France
Video portrait of Quentin CHAMBON - France
Video portrait of Julien Prunaret - France
Video portrait of Pearl Ngcobo - South Africa
Video portrait of Ramatoulaye Sory - Niger
Video portrait of Teodora Todorova - Bulgaria
Video portrait of Ana Barbara BISINELLA DE FARIA - France
Video portrait of Jaco Wolters - Netherlands
Video portrait of Lyubomir Kostov - Bulgaria
Video portrait of Laurent Kosmalski - France
Video portrait of Jaime Eduardo Leal Gonzalez - Mexico
Video portrait of Peter Schockaert - Belgium
Video portrait of Stefani Parvanova - Bulgaria
Video portrait of Didier Brunet - France
Interview of Steeve Moratille and Nicolas Kockler - France
Video portrait of Nicolas Demany - France
Video portrait of Martial Gabillard - France

Also to discover

Photo by Fatima, Veolia, on the Cedilor site in France

Determined, optimistic, together!

At Veolia, we are 200,000 Resourcers around the world committed to ecological transformation.