Clyde Transfer Station, NSW

Clyde Transfer Station

Clyde Transfer Terminal

Veolia has proven experience operating the Clyde facility, one of the most efficient transfer facilities in the world, with noise reduction and odour management systems that have set new environmental and technical benchmarks for waste facilities. Now at capacity, the rail transport solution is already reducing local truck movements by 37,500 per annum. 

Up to 600,000 tonnes of waste per annum is received at the facility, with mixed household waste containerised for transfer to Veolia’s site at Woodlawn by rail for treatment and resource recovery. 

Operational since 2004, the Clyde Transfer Terminal is a significant piece of state infrastructure which is consistent with government policy, utilising the freight rail network for transport and facilitating greater resource recovery, by opening up access to remote treatment solutions to form part of Sydney’s long-term waste strategy. This facility supports existing source separated initiatives such as curbside recycling and provides access to Veolia's Woodlawn Bioreactor and Mechanical Biological Treatment Facility.

The Woodlawn Bioreactor currently provides a solution for the management of approximately 20% of Sydney’s putrescible waste via the Clyde Transfer Terminal.


Community Engagement

Veolia engages with the local community and stakeholder groups in a proactive and responsive manner. Community engagement ensures the community is kept informed of key aspects of Veolia’s operations and enables the community to provide feedback on key issues and help Veolia understand concerns regarding our facilities.

At the Clyde Transfer Terminal (CTT), Veolia has set up the following mechanisms to provide the interested parties information about the site and receive feedback or complaints:

  • This dedicated Veolia webpage offering general information on the CTT
  • Up-to-date publishing of environmental reports on this webpage
  • A 24 hour community feedback line and email address to provide a central point of contact for community enquiries and/or receiving complaints

Contact Us 

Community Feedback and Complaints Line: 02 9841 2600

Dedicated Email Address:

One of the most efficient transfer stations in the world

Receives up to 600,000 tonnes per annum

Packages waste to be sent to Veolia's Woodlawn Bioreactor